Pet Health Screening Tests in Honor, MI

Many Other Tests Available Through Outside Labs
We have an “in-house laboratory” that allows us to perform many tests with results in 20-30 minutes. These tests include Blood Chemistry Profiles, Complete Blood Counts, Thyroid Profiles and more. Table top tests allow us to test for Feline Leukemia, Feline Infectious Virus, Parvovirus-Virus and Heartworm. Other samples are sent overnight to outside laboratories for a wide variety of tests. We receive many of these results back with 24-48 hours.
Parvo Virus
This virus frequently manifests in two different ways, the most prevalent of which is an intestinal manifestation that causes the symptoms listed below:
Dry mouth and diarrhoea (often severe and bloody)
Appetite loss or anorexia
Loss of weight
The virus’s cardiac form, which assaults heart muscles and results in death, is the other symptom of the sickness. The only effective defence against parvovirus is vaccination.
Adrenal Glands
We offer radiography, EKGs, and blood pressure checks as part of our diagnostic services. A member of our staff will welcome you and your pet when they come to visit us. Your pet’s eyes, ears, and skin are examined first, and then the circulatory, neurological, gastrointestinal, and skeletal systems are examined for any anomalies after you’ve made your way to an examination room. As required, we will assess your pet’s kidneys, liver, pancreas, and endocrine system, including the thyroid and adrenal glands, using blood and/or urine tests. Depending on the state of your pet, we might advise additional diagnostic procedures like radiography (x-rays), endoscopy (internal scoping), ultrasound, or biopsy.
Thyroid Evaluation
We can determine the health of your pet’s liver, kidneys, and pancreas using the chemistry panel and electrolytes. It measures blood protein levels and evaluates blood glucose levels. A urinalysis reveals whether the urinary tract is infected or inflamed, which is a typical issue for animals of all ages. The thyroid hormone level tells you how well the thyroid gland is working in your pet.
Complete Blood Count
The number, size, and shape of several cell types circulating in the bloodstream are all measured by the complete blood count. Red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), and platelets are the three main subtypes of blood cells.
Blood Chemistry Profile
Our state-of-the-art internal laboratory from Idexx makes it possible for us to diagnose problems and begin treating your pet much more swiftly than ever before. Complete blood counts, blood chemical profiles, and urinalysis can now be completed in less than 30 minutes. We can also complete the collection of stool samples, ear and blood cytology, and skin scrapings in ten minutes or less. These characteristics make pre-operative bloodwork screening for every type of operation easy and efficient.
Feline Leukemia
The feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) is regarded as the main infectious disease agent that causes deadly illness in cats. Infected animals’ saliva, blood, urine, faeces, nasal secretions, and milk all contain the feline leukaemia virus. This indicates that cat-to-cat interaction, including sharing of food and water bowls and grooming habits, can operate as a source of transmission. Additionally, it can spread through sharing litter boxes and bite wounds.
Hip Dysplasia
Canine hip dysplasia (abnormal development of the hip joint) begins when the hip joint in a young dog becomes loose or unstable. If left undiagnosed and untreated, this instability causes abnormal wear of the hip cartilage and ultimately progresses to osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease. Signs of this condition are pain, reluctance to get up or exercise, difficulty climbing stairs, a “bunny-hopping” gait, limping, and lameness, especially after periods of inactivity or exercise.
Hip dysplasia most commonly affects large- and giant-breed dogs; however, smaller dogs can also be affected. Although genetics often play a role in this disorder, young dogs that grow or gain weight too quickly or get too much high-impact exercise are also at risk. Being overweight can aggravate hip dysplasia.
We can help prevent or slow this condition by monitoring food intake and ensuring that your dog gets proper exercise as he or she ages. We can also screen your dog for hip dysplasia using one of two methods. The earlier we can diagnose hip dysplasia, the better the possible outcome for your dog.
OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) Certification:
We can x-ray your dog’s hips for hip dysplasia at 2 years of age. We will forward these radiographs to the OFA, where board-certified radiologists will evaluate and grade your dog’s hips for OFA certification. Correct positioning of your dog is essential for proper radiographic evaluation, so a general anesthetic is required to make the procedure less stressful for him or her.
PennHIP Method:
We can x-ray your dog’s hips using the PennHIP method for evaluating hip dysplasia in dogs, which can be performed much earlier (at 16 weeks of age) than OFA certification. Requiring a general anesthetic involves x-raying your dog’s hips in three different positions to measure how loose the joints are and determine the presence or likelihood of osteoarthritis. If you are a breeder, consider using this test to help you select good breeding candidates at a younger age. If your dog competes athletically, consider using this technique to evaluate the future soundness of your dogs or puppies.
Please call us to discuss your dog’s risk of developing hip dysplasia, schedule a screening, or discuss treatment options.